sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015


Alimentarnos sanamente y rico es algo que la mayoría queremos, pero como llegamos a eso es lo difícil.

Como dejar la deliciosa comida chatarra?, hay personas que tienen la suerte de que no les gusta, me encantaría ser una de ellas, lamentablemente no lo soy.

He buscado un millón de recétas y páginas sobre cómo hacer dieta comiendo sano, y  no me han funcionado, excepto una que me fascino, que era simplemente dejar el pan y comer wraps (termino mas popular fajitas)  rellenas con todo lo que se nos ocurra (entre mas cosas le echamos mas apetitosas quedan) y quedan perfecta, es sencillamente delicioso y saludable.

Feed healthy and wealthy is something that most want, but as we got to that is the hard part.

Like leaving the delicious junk food ?, there are people who are lucky enough that they do not like, I'd be one of them, unfortunately I'm not.

I searched a million recipes and pages on how to diet by eating healthy, and have not worked for me, but one that fascinated me, it was just leave the bread and eat wraps (a term more popular fajitas) filled with everything that comes to mind (The more things we take are more appetizing) and are perfect, is simply delicious and healthy.

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